Reserve a hall

Vanemuine Concert Hall

Vanemuine Concert Hall was built in 1970 (architects A. Volberg, P. Tarvas, U. Tölpus), and renovated in 1998 (architect A. Kuldkepp). The last extension was ready in 2001.
In addition, the popular concert venue functions as a modern conference centre to meet all contemporary needs. The removable chair system of the hall enables to transform the academic concert atmosphere to suit a conference hall.

Technical specification

A selection of conferences:
Baltic Congress of Oncology, Regional Innovation Strategies for Cluster Internationalisation and Competitiveness, Scand-LAS conference etc

  • Conference 
    • multifunctional conference facilities (capacity 10–1000 people)
    • smaller session rooms, 3–6 (soundproof transportable partitions allow to establish session rooms of different sizes)
    • stylish theatre, classroom and round table environment if required
    • modern technical conditions, including technical equipment for multimedia conferences
  • Conference system
    • projection equipment: data projector 3500 Ansi LUM; data projector 5500 Ansi LUM, projectsio screen (3x4m)
    • sound equipment: radio microphones, lead microphones, console (32 channels), sound monitors etc
    • synchronic translation equipment: stationary translation booths (up to 4 languages), delegate receivers, delegate consoles, (20), delegate desks (100), transportable translation booth.
    • furniture: upholstered chairs (300), conference desks (50, different sizes), laptopConference rooms:
  • Seminar room – 64 m2
    h 2,6 m / theatre style 60 persons / seminar style up to 40 persons / gala 70 persons 
  • Seminar room – Canon
    92 m2 / h 2,6 m / theatre style 80 persons / seminar style up to 50 persons / gala 70 persons
  • Seminar room – Ergo
    120 m2 / h 2,6 m / theatre style 100 persons / seminar style up to 60 persons / gala 120 persons
  • Big Hall
    400 m2 / h 11 m / theatre style up to 900 p / seminar style 400 p / gala 700 p
  • Whole house
    1600 m2 / h 11 m / theatre style 863 p / gala 1000 pProjector and paper board in price



opus 3470, Check Republic

Electro – mechanical tracture
PEDAL C – f´ 30 töne
1. Burdon 32´
2. Principal 16´
3. Subbass 16´
4. Oktave 8´
5. Bassgedackt 8´
6. Choralbass 4´
7. Trichterflöte 2´
8. Mixtur (6 fach) 4´
9. Posaune 16´
10. Trompete 8´
11. Klarine 4´
12. I – P
13. II – P
14 III – P
I MANUAL C – a³, Hauptwerk 58 töne

15. Burdon 16´
16. Principal 8´
17. Rohrflöte 8´
18. Oktave 4´
19. Spillflöte 4´
20. Quinte 2 2/3´
21. Superoktave 2´
22. Mixtur maior ( 5 fach) 2´
23. Schaft ( 4 fach) 1´
24. Trompete 8´
25. II – I
26. III – I
27. Zungen AB
28. 16´ Man + 32´ Ped. AB
29. Mixturen AB
30. Handregister AB

31. Gedackt 8´
32. Quintadena 8´
33. Principal 4´
34. Blockflöte 4´
35. Oktave 2´
36. Waldflöte 2´
37. Quinte 1 1/3´
38. Sesquialter ( 2 fach) 2 2/3´
39. Mixtur minor ( 4 falch) 1´
40. Cymbel ( 3 fach) 1/2´
41. Regal 16´
42. Krummhorn 8´
43. III – II
44. Tremolo
45. Crescendo AB
46. Koppeln aus crescendo AB III MANUAL C – a³, Schwellwerk 58 töne

47. Rohrpommer 16´
48. Principal 8´
49. Koppelflöte 8´
50. Gamba 8´
51. Principal 4´
52. Nachthorn 4´
53. Spitznasard 2 2/3
54. Doublette 2´
55. Terz 1 3/5´
56. Hellflöte 1´
57. Mixtur (6 fach) 1 1/3
58. Oboe 8´
59. Vox humana 8´
60. Clairon 4´
61. Tremolo

Posaune 16´ Ped
Trompete 8´ Ped
Klarine 4´ Ped
Trompete 8´ I Man
Regal 16´ II Man
Krummhorn 8´ II Man
Oboe 8´ III Man
Vox humana 8´ III Man
Clairon 4´ III Man

Equipment rental

• projection technology: data projector 3500 Ansi LUM; data projector 5500 Ansi LUM projection screen (3×4 m)
• sound equipment: radio microphones, lead microphones, sound monitors, console (64 channels) with sound engineer service
• synchronic translation service: 100 receivers with translation booth, cutting





Events Coordinator
Phone: +372 5690 3025

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